Sunday, 21 September 2014

Sophisticated Sophia, Phoney Phillip

One of the essential ingredients that breed a functional leadership is love. It is this singular entity that distinguishes Mother Teresa from Adolf Hitler and WHO from ISIS. Love does not only ensure a thriving organisation, it is an indispensable quality for any leader or organisation seeking lasting impact {to leave a legacy}. Leadership is the ability to inspire willing and conscious followership. An Organisation, as observed by Late Steven Covey, is made up of individuals who have a relationship and a shared purpose. This purpose aims to meet the need of one or more persons or stakeholders. A marriage is a kind of organisation. A relationship too. And Love, most times, is the legal tender validating this ‘transaction’.

In our discourse today, we have two characters who are not necessarily in a love affair but they are symbolic of ‘some’ structural exhibitions with respect to gender. What is at the ‘heart’ of these two specimens? How are they wired to operate? Would a Sophia, highly sophisticated, want to have a romance with a Phillip so insensitive of his inbuilt capacity to take the lead? Let’s film these characters more closely: Her name suggests her insatiable crave for wisdom {Sophia}. She’s committed to living by the standards of the organisation and she upholds ethical values despite her shortcomings. She’s weathered the storm and now can walk with some poise. She has a twenty-first century fashion sense. Confident. Intellectual. Delectable she is. Witty too. Bishop Thomas Jakes, in The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord, calls her the mother of nations, the womb of creativity, the garden of life. She manages her emotions well. She accepts responsibilities willingly. Highly initiative. Delivers results with ease and speed. She’s a model to her peers. Her protégées admire her to the point that they ‘secretly’ wish her as their wife. Her male colleague respects her too. The boss is always pleased with her deliveries. She’s found to be always upping her games, knowing what position to assume when rolling the dice for a favourable outcome. And yes, she takes pride in her person always.

Phillip on the other hand, lives a deceitful lifestyle. He is not necessarily a fraudster but he swindles himself. He prioritizes earning over learning, wealth over wisdom, pleasure over pains; appetite over purpose; power over knowledge {of authority}. Mistaken maleness for manhood; misdirected the exuberant nature of the male-man. I usually like to use the seven G’s Check of a Man: God (simply Spiritual Intelligence ~ the optimum functioning of a man is dependent on understanding this Living Entity ~ His Source); Gaze (Vision); Governance (Leadership); Gumption (Knowledge, Mind Power, Emotional Intelligence); Goal (Pursuits); Gold {Financial Intelligence); and Gait {Physical and Social Intelligence). This is even not exhaustive as compared to the seventeen F’s renowned Speaker and a visionary Icon to me and many youths, Fela Durotoye listed in his Mr Fanstastic. Of course, we don’t expect Mr. Phillip to carry a ‘placard’ around trying to regurgitate these highlights. These, actually are programmes that would ooze from the man’s codes by default if he’d thoroughly internalized them.

Apparently, this is typical of some settings. I have witnessed different versions of it – ‘some’ voluntary organisations, clubs, associations and faith-based organisations. Some corporate circles are spared as motivation of personnel in firms is a function of some induced incentives and activating a work environment that allows for the growth { social, professional, etc.} of the employees. The description of Sophia and Phillip might not have been so absolute but you would agree that commitment and support seems to be readily solicited from the female species than their male counterpart and her alacrity can be guaranteed. Some ladies are recalcitrant though….*Lips Sealed*. Of course, women being emotional, tend to pay more attention to matters of conscience {and Leadership is a matter of conscience. Love is its gauge!}. They put the whole of their being into what’s committed in their care. Little wonder, records have it that there are more women than men in Churches, though not obtainable in ‘every’ Church. An Author had quipped that many husbands lacked vision. In turn, the woman primarily designed to be a helper would always want to assist any man with a vision, hence the rationale behind the massive drift of women to Churches to assist the Pastors’ vision. Well, ultimately, the vision is not the Pastor’s. It is God’s. But I digress.
#LEAD360, inspiring effective leadership, is concerned with this trend. Phillip must stop being phony. For once, he’s to take life, at least, with a pinch of gravity. Let’s look at three areas where this theme must be tweaked. 

1. Home
Where else is the display of leadership needed most if not in the family? Every standard seems to be falling apart today because of compromised family values. What would be the outcome of the matrix if the proportion of SOPHIAs to PHILLIPs, as described from the preceeding, is 70:30 respectively? That’s an invitation to anarchy I suppose. We must charge Mr. Phillip that the conferment on him as the head is not for decoration. As much as it is honourary, which is what the understanding and application of leadership does to any being irrespective of sex, it is not a value statement about worth. Being the head doesn’t make you the greatest in your home. Heads and leaders are first servants. Leadership is service! With authority come responsibilities. The first being knowledge. Authority is unleashed by virtue of knowledge. Hence, leaders are knowers. They search and not sag or laze around. If all you care, the Holy Book calls you the Head of your wife. Put your house in order Mr. Phillip. Uncover the 7 G’s and 17 F’s mentioned above. Man Up! 

2. Organisation
There is nothing wrong with Sophia. God bless her heart if she truly understands the concept of submission. However, Phillip must develop some responsible traits in his workplace. Phillip’s initiative ability must be resuscitated. Life is not lottery Phillip! So stop loitering around rehearsing excuses for one failure to perform or sloppiness in duty. I concur with my friend’s PM some days back; Dami Oguntunde says excuses are the adornment of lazy people. Profound! Leaders are conscious of the influence over them and the influence they wield ‘cos being under an influence and you as an influence to others validates your leadership equilibrium {I’ve never heard that term before though, perhaps it would be a theme at our subsequent discourse *winks*}. 

3. Society
The PHILLIPs need to be reminded that the future of any generation lies in their hands. How disgraceful it would be if the ‘unborns’ or ‘toddlers’ grow up to know their left from their right and can’t find us as samples of their models? The development of any community with a sustainable growth appraisal is dependent on Phillip’s audacity to take the lead just as Obama stepped out. Recommending his Audacity of Hope won’t be out of place at this point. Of course, we’re not saying Phillip should start daydreaming being the next president of his country ‘cos he loves those illusive fantasies. Nah! Phillip must make real and right his thoughts ~ a proper estimation of his perceptions, conceptions and inceptions ~ definite phases every vision/dream must pass through. The community was placed in your hand Phillip! Arise and take charge! Live out your mandate. You are born to rule Sir!

Charge any Phillip around you to ponder over the underlying points in this masterpiece and caution Sophia to maintain her champion while performing her role with utmost humility. Well, for the obstinate and disrespectful SOPHIAs, you just asked what we are to do to them. First, we won’t call them Sophia. Second, we would open their files consequently! *LOL*
Raise the edge always! Take the LEAD!


The Pauline Prayers by Damilola Oguntunde, Senior Pastor, CASOR, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife is very much available. The Masterpiece is forwarded by Pastor Dele Osunmakinde of The Baptizing Church. Place your order at Wisdom Hills, Opposite OAU Campus Gate, Ile-Ife or call Mayode on 08035920525 for further enquiries.

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